Rabbi Shmuel Gedalia Blizinsky, one of the first Shluchim to the Israeli Kibbutzim and later a resident of Hollywood, FL, passed away on Friday, 13 Sivan, 5780.
Rabbi Shmuel Gedalia Blizinsky, a resident of Hollywood, FL, passed away on Friday, 13 Sivan, 5780.
He was 89 years old.
Reb Shmuel was born in Warsaw, Poland. His father was the renowned mashpiah Reb Meir Blizinsky. In 5695/1935, after consulting with the Frierdiker Rebbe, the family moved to Eretz Yisroel.
As a soldier in the Israeli Defense Forces, he strengthened Yiddishkeit among the thousands of soldiers on his base.
After his marriage, he lived in Crown Heights for a number of years, before moving back to Israel.
There, Reb Shmuel was one of the first Shluchim to the Kibbutzim, bringing yiddishkeit and chassidus directly to the nucleus of of the anti-religious ideology.
After a few years, he moved back to USA, living on Ocean Parkway, and eventually moving to Hollywood, Florida. In Florida, he established a Lubavitcher shul and gave shiurim in Chassidus.
He is survived by his wife Chava – Hollywood, Florida, and children Ziporah Gordon/Goldman – New York, Mati Deutsch/Kirsche – Florida, Shuly Rubel – New York, and grandchildren.
The levaya will pass 770 at 2:30 PM, and the kevura will take place at 3:30 in Montefiore cemetery.
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.
I knew Reb Shmuel very well.
Truly “A Man for All Seasons”.
A “M’Urov im HaBrios”.
Great conversationalist.
“…..,a man in whom there is spirit……
See: Bamidbar (Numbers); 27: 16-18.