Rabbi Shmuel Benjamin, 57, AH

Rabbi Shmuel Benjamin, a long-time devoted mechanech in Oholei Torah, who staunchly stood by his wife Devorah’s side as she ran Keren Simchas Chosson V’Kalla, passed away on Shabbos.

Rabbi Shmuel Benjamin, a long-time devoted mechanech in Oholei Torah, who staunchly stood by his wife Devorah‘s side as she ran Keren Simchas Chosson V’Kalla, passed away on Shabbos, 5 Kislev, 5784.

He was 57 years old.

Originally from Sydney, Australia, Rabbi Benjamin went to Yeshiva Torah Or in Eretz Yisrael, and with the influence of Talmidei Shluchim who traveled from Oholei Torah to Sydney, Australia, he came to Lubavitch and learned in Yeshiva Gedolah in Melbourne, as well as in 770.

With a constant smile on his face, Rabbi Benjamin was a most devoted mechanech of Oholei Torah Pre1A for twenty-five years, educating hundreds of talmidim, imbuing a love of Yiddishkeit and laying strong foundations for them during those formative years. With unparalleled dedication, Rabbi Benjamin taught his many Talmidim the Aleph Beis with total kedusha and purity, permeating the lessons with Yiras Shomayim and Chassidishkeit, and ensuring each student had the tools they needed to succeed in their subsequent years of chinuch.

In recent years, despite his medical treatments, Rabbi Benjamin came to Oholei Torah whenever possible.

Rabbi Benjamin cherished each and every talmid, keeping a kesher with many of them years later. Talmidim fondly remember his animated and engaging lessons, as well as the deep care he had for each and every one of his students.

Rabbi Benjamin staunchly stood by his wife Devorah‘s side as she ran Keren Simchas Chosson V’Kalla, an organization that provides necessary funds and support for chassanim and kallahs, giving her his encouragement and full support.

He is survived by his wife Devorah and their children, Chaya and Yosef.

He is also survived by his parents, Avigdor Chaim and Freida Rachel, and his two brothers, Jonathan and Adam, as well as his in-laws, Pinchas and Mina Gold.

To send stories and memories about Rabbi Benjamin, please email [email protected].

The levaya will take place on Sunday, passing Oholei Torah, 667 Eastern Parkway, at 10:30 AM, passing 770 at 10:45 AM, and kevurah at 11:30 at Old Montefiore Cemetery.

Shiva will be held at 712 Montgomery St.
Shiva Begins 9:30 AM
Personal Break between 12:00-2:00 PM
Shiva house closes at 9:00 PM

Shachris 10:00
Mincha and maariv bizmano


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