Reb Schneur Zalman Yudkin, 99, AH

Photo: Marko Dashev -

Reb Schneur Zalman Yudkin, an elder chossid from Crown Heights who had mesirus nefesh in Russia and later traveled around inspiring countless people, passed away.

By YWN and

Reb Schneur Zalman Yudkin, a chossid and oved Hashem from Crown Heights who had mesirus nefesh in Russia and later traveled around inspiring countless people, passed away.

Born in 5685 (1925), Shneur Zalman studied at Yeshiva Torah Im Derech Eretz in Riga, Latvia, and leaned heavily on the teachings of Rav Shamshon Raphael Hirsch. He became close to chassidim and became a Chabad chossid. He would often recount the tremendous mesiras nefesh demonstrated by his father to maintain a frum home in Russia, including one instance when he was thrown into a sewer for making a bris on his son.

Reb Shneur Zalman and his family clung to their Yiddishkeit with tremendous mesiras nefesh, and eventually settled in Crown Heights, where he lived a life of Torah and avodas Hashem.

He was a well-known figure in many Shuls, where he would go around fundraising for mosdos in Nachlas Har Chabad, and his presence alone put smiles on the face of mispalelim as he would come through the door. He was held in high esteem by many, and he inspired them to yiras Shomayim and Chassidus.

He is survived by six children, and many grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

He was predeceased by his wife Yenta in 5776.

The levaya and kevurah will take place at 3 PM on Friday at the Montefiore Cemetery in Queens.

Baruch Dayan Ha’Emes.


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  1. As he learnt in the Talmud Torah “Torah V’Derech Eretz”. As we know Rabbi Chadakov (Yortziet Tomorrow 3 Iyar) was the Menahel. Do we know if any connection between them here in the USA ?

    BD”H Zol Zein a Gute Beter !

    How interesting these hidden gems walking around Crown Heights, many or most don’t know about them.

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