Rabbi Moshe New: “Hei Teves is a Celebration of Connection”

In preparation for Hey Teves, Rabbi Moshe New delves into the deeper cause for celebration on the day of Hei Teves, emphasizing our connection with the Rebbe expressed through it.

We know that the purpose of creation was Hashem’s desire for a dwelling place in this world. The Rebbe explains that the desire is to have a home where the relationship between Hashem and the Neshamos can be manifested and expressed in every aspect of creation. As the Alter Rebbe teaches in Tanya, each person’s soul is a literal part of Hashem, a “Chelek Eloka M’mal Mamash.” This concept is a given and a basic and necessary understanding to properly fulfill our avodah in this world.

This relationship is what we celebrate on Hei Teves. The opposing side claimed that the connection between Chassidim and the Rebbe was merely a tribal or religious affiliation, thus as a biological family member he is entitled to an inheritance. However, Hei Teves revealed in a court of law that all Jewish souls are interconnected—with each other, with the Rebbe, and with Hashem. This is embodied in the Rebbe as the Neshama Klolis (general soul), acting as the connection point between the Jewish people and Hashem. Thus, our connection to the Rebbe is stronger than anything in the world.

In the third installment of a new series from Vaad Or Vechom Hahiskashrus to help Chassidim prepare and celebrate the day of Hei Teves through exploring the story of the trial and the timeless lessons we can learn from it, Rabbi Moshe New of the Montreal Torah Center, delves into the deeper cause for celebration on the day of Hei Teves, emphasizing our connection with the Rebbe expressed through it.

For more Hei Teves resources, including a plethora of reading and learning materials, for men, women, and children of all ages, visit HeiTeves.com.

To get the latest updates from Or Vechom and receive the videos as they come out directly on your phone, subscribe to our WhatsApp at OrVechom.com/Whatsapp or YouTube at YouTube.com/@OrVechom. The second video will be released in the coming days.

Preparing for Hei Teves: Rabbi Moshe New

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Watch the previous installment: Rabbi Shmuel Lew on “What is Hey Teves?”

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Watch the first video of Rabbi Yitzchok Wolf on the story of Hei Teves:

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Watch the previous installment: Rabbi Yitzchok Wolf

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