Rabbi Moshe Bryski Hospitalized with Covid-19

Rabbi Moshe Bryski, Shliach to Agoura Hills, CA, has been hospitalized due to a COVID-19 infection. He requests the public to say tehillim for his complete and speedy recovery.

Rabbi Moshe Bryski, Shliach to Agoura Hills, CA, posted the following message to his Facebook page:

I’ve been hospitalized since yesterday with corona at Kaiser Woodland Hills.. the doctors and nurses have been wonderful.. they are true heroes..

Please say an extra prayer for me, Moshe Dovid Hakohen Ben Etel Nechoma, and have in mind all those battling the virus. My Psalm is 58.

May G-d Almighty send healing to the entire world and bring an end to all suffering with the coming of the righteous Moshiach Now!


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  1. Dear Fellow Shluchim,

    Thank you for all your tefilos, messages and well wishes. They meant the world to me. They plan on IYH releasing me some time tomorrow early afternoon. All vitals look good and all numbers have improved drastically. They want to try to remove the oxygen completely by tomorrow.

    May Hashem heal all those in need of a Refuah.. (Please, if you have this you’re struggling to breathe, don’t wait to go to the ER.. hours and minutes count..

    Bsuros tovos.. and thank you all so much.

    Moshe Bryski

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