Rabbi Moshe Aaron Kasinetz, 89, AH

Rabbi Moshe Aaron Kasinetz, founder of the Orthodox community in Livingston, New Jersey, passed away on Shabbos, Chai Teves.

Rabbi Moshe Aaron Kasinetz, founder of the orthodox community in Livingston, New Jersey, passed away on Shabbos, Chai Teves, 5784.

He was 89 years old. 

Under the close guidance of the Rebbe, Rabbi Kasinetz founded the Synagogue of the Suburban Torah Center in Livingston in 1969. The community blossomed into a thriving congregation of hundreds of families. 

Rabbi Kasinetz is survived by his wife Sarah Kasinetz, and his daughters Leah Barber – Crown Heights; Esther Prus – Crown Heights; and Shlomit Frommer – Livingston, NJ. He is also survived by his many grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

The levaya will take place tomorrow, Sunday, December 31st, Yud Tes Teves, at 10:00 AM at the Synagogue of Suburban Torah Center 85 West Mount Pleasant Avenue, Livingston, NJ, passing 770 at 12:30 PM, and continuing on to Montefiore Cemetery.

Shiva will be observed at the Kasinetz residence, 93 N. Livingston Avenue, Livingston.

Minyan times are as follows:

Sunday, December 31
Maariv: 7:00 pm

Monday, January 1
Shacharit: 8:30 am
Mincha/Maariv: 4:25 pm

Tuesday, January 2 – Thursday, January 4
Shacharit: 7:00 am
Mincha/Maariv: 4:25 pm

Friday, January 5
Shacharit: 7:00 am

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  1. R’ Moshe’s father was a Tomim who learnt in Lubavitch itself. His sister was (ybl”ch) R’ Yudel Krinsky’s wife.
    His Rebetzen tbl”ch is the sister of R’ Sholom Feldman AH of Kfar Chabad.

  2. Rabbi Moshe Kasinetz was the spiritual heart of a community. He was not just our Rav, he was our guide to life.
    His wisdom, compassion and mind enriched every member whose life he touched.
    I was doubly blessed in that I earned his friendship. He left this world a better place because he traveled through it. His legacy is profound in the world of Torah and for all those who loved him.
    He was a Gaon.

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