Rabbi Mendy Shapiro to Keynote Halikut Siyum

The Halikut Siyum by Vaad Hatmimim being held on Sunday will conclude with a banquet addressed by the Rebbe’s choizer Reb Yoel Kahn, and a keynote address by Los Angeles Mashpia Rabbi Mendy Shapiro.

Taking place on Sunday for its third consecutive year, the 300 bochurim that have qualified to attend the Halikut Siyum, a project of Vaad Hatmimim, will partake in a full schedule of events. As reported, in addition to the annual test and competition, this year’s program will include a first of its kind crossfire, with panelists addressing a wide range of questions in hashkafah.

The Siyum will conclude with the yearly banquet, this year being addressed by the Rebbe’s choizer Reb Yoel Kahn, and a keynote address by Los Angeles Mashpia Rabbi Mendy Shapiro.

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