Rabbi Lazar Represents Russian Jewry at Meron Shiva Houses

The Chief Rabbi of Russia, Berel Lazar, flew to Israel to comfort the families who are sitting shiva after the tragedy in Meron. A gathering was also held in Moscow in memory of the victims.

Along with their brethren all over the world, the Jews of Russia were also broken hearted when they received news of the terrible tragedy that took place on Lag Baomer, at the holy gravesite of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai. On a day that was meant for rejoicing and celebrating, forty five pure, precious souls were whisked to the heavens in a fiery storm. Tens of families were left hurting and devastated from this terrible blow, which united all Jews as one family.

When the news reached Moscow, the Chief Rabbi of Russia, Berel Lazar, called for a rally of awakening and prayer for the public, who arrived en masse to the central shul in Marina Roscha. There they recited Tehillim for the wounded, and silently listened to the speeches, in which there was a call to add in prayer, charity, and especially the mitzvah of Ahavat Yisrael. 

After not visiting Israel for about a year and a half, the Chief Rabbi flew there especially in the name of all Russia’s Jews in order to comfort the families. For a long time he sat and shared with the mourners how the Russian Jews feel about this tragedy, and about the “hachlatos tovos”, “good decisions” which they took upon themselves in merit of the fresh widows and orphans, and all these precious families. Additionally, a few generous individuals decided to assist the young orphans, and added them to their evergrowing circle of tzedaka recipients.

Photo: Levi Nazarov


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