Tel Aviv Chief Rabbi Yisroel Meir Lau had only words of praise when presented with new Machanayim books by the publisher Rabbi Gershon Burkis, who started producing the books on the Rebbe’s directive.
By reporter
Tel Aviv Chief Rabbi Yisroel Meir Lau had only words of praise when presented with new Machanayim books by the publisher Rabbi Gershon Burkis, who started producing the books on the Rebbe’s directive.
Accompanied by his wife and son R’ Shmuel Burkis, Rabbi Burkis visited Rabbi Lau in his home where they discussed the importance of providing children with quality Jewish reading material. The books that a child reads impact his educational development and growth for years to come. Rabbi Burkis also presented Rabbi Lau with some of Machanayim’s newest titles, which were printed this years after many years that no new titles were produced.
Rabbi Burkis explained how accuracy is a priority for him. “Staying true to the sources is so important,” he said, “since the stories and especially the drawings remain in the children’s memories for the rest of their lives.”
Rabbi Lau mentioned that when his grandchildren come to his home for Shabbos, they often bring books with them – specifically Machanayim’s “Stories of Tzadikim” series.
In the mid-1970s, Rabbi Burkis was a member of the Religious Council in the city of Lod, Israel. As a number of children in their schools reached the age for reading, he decided to do something about the dearth of quality Jewish educational reading.
With blessings and direction from the Rebbe, the Machanayim collection was born and continues to educate and entertain children until today.
Did he come out with new books? The title of this article indicates that he did, but the article doesn’t mention anything about it? The very best set to have for Children. Would be thrilled if there are new ones, even better if they are in English.