the Lincoln Place Shul in northern Crown Heights marked Tes Adar, the day the center of Chabad transferred onto American soil, with a grand farbrengen led by Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky.
By reporter
Photos: Oded Kaizerman/
the Lincoln Place Shul and Beis Hamedrash in northern Crown Heights marked Tes Adar with a grand farbrengen led by Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, Vice-Chairman of Merkos L’inyonei Chinuch.
Tes Adar is the day the Frierdiker Rebbe disembarked at the New York harbor after a miraculous rescue from Nazi-occupied Poland. On this day, the center of Chabad Chassidus was transferred onto American soil.
The farbrengen featured a grand seudas hodaah catered by Mendy’s caterers and local restaurants.
The Lincoln Place Shul and Beis Hamedrash is a vibrant shul in North Crown Heights led by Rabbi Meyer Shushan, with 3 Tefilos a day and programs for men women and children throughout the year.
For more information or to be informed of future activities, please contact us at [email protected]
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