Rabbi Chaim Mordechai Pevzner, 41, AH

Rabbi Chaim Mordechai (Mottele) Pevzner, a young Shliach in Perpignan, France passed away on Tuesday, Erev Yom Kippur 5783. His son and brothers are sitting Shiva in Crown Heights on Erev Yom Kippur.

Rabbi Chaim Mordechai Pevzner, a young Shliach in Perpignan, France passed away on Tuesday, Erev Yom Kippur 5783.

He was 41 years old.

He leaves behind his wife Rochel (nee Itkin) and 7 young children, Mendel, Minda, Chaya Mushka, Perel, Dina, Leah and Neshi.

He is also survived by his parents, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak and Rivkah Pevzner of Paris, France, and siblings Nechama Dina Bluming, Menachem Mendel Pevzner, Avraham Baruch Pevzner, Alti Majesky, Chaya Mushka Piekarski, Chani Silver and Arye Pevzner.

He was predeceased by his brother Shneur Zalman Pevzner in 5775.

His son Mendel and three Mendy, Arye Leib, and Boruch will be sitting Shiva in Crown Heights on Erev Yom Kippur at 323 Kingston Avenue, Shacharis at 11 am, until 3:30 pm.

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  1. When we were in Oholie Torah Zal ,Mottle a”h made a shturem how can it be that the coffee cups had images of playing cards on it like. “Cards are from shalosh klipos hatimeios” (see sefer of rly bardichev on channuka)
    He was poel by the one who got to make sure not to accept these from the supplier. He was also makpid to get to sleep on time to have a good head for learning the next day. He was also mekabel kol adom bsever ponim yofos and a good word.

  2. I had my mother’s levaya about 11 or 12 years ago 2 or 3 days before yom kippur. we had to make it by 3PM in Perpignan. Rav Pevzner of blessed memory picked us up and we went to their home. His wife had a 5 week baby. We stayed overnight and had to go back to London and then New York. The travel agent had made a mistake on the ticket and I was missing a part of the trip ( Perpignan- Paris). Rav Motul borrowed us his credit card ( about $300 ). as my husband did not have one on him. He was very nice. He should be an advocate high up for his family . WITH MUCH SORROWS

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