Rabbi Braun Tackles Thorny Issues on Headlines Podcast

In the latest episode of Halacha Headlines Podcast, host Reb Dovid Lichtenstein interviewed Rabbi Yosef Yeshaya Braun, Rov of the Crown Heights community, on how to deal with Baalei Aveirah in our midst.

In the latest episode of Halacha Headlines Podcast, host Reb Dovid Lichtenstein interviewed Rabbi Yosef Yeshaya Braun, Rov of the Crown Heights community, on the topic of Baalei Aveirah in Our Midst – How do We Deal With Them?

Headlines Halacha is a weekly podcast that analyzes all current events through the prism of the Torah. All contemporary issues in the Jewish world and the world at large are discussed and debated with Rabbanim, lay leaders and professional from around the globe. From Halacha to Hashkafa – no issue is too big or too thorny to tackle.

The following issues are discussed in this week’s episode:

with Rabbi Aharon Sorscher – Rov of Yeshiva Community in Waterbury, Maggid Shiur of Oraysa – 11:20
with Rabbi Yosef Yeshaya Braun – Rov in Crown Heights, Member of the Beis Din of Chabad – 38:08

Who’s a מומר?
Someone who flaunts his Aveiros publicly – is he a מומר?
Can a Baal Aveirah write an Ois in a Sefer Torah?
If the Sofer writes the outline is it kosher?
Can they get an Aliya?
Can they Daven for the Amud?
Are they Possul to be עדי קידושין?
Can they make ברכת הזימון?
Are we allowed to be Mechabed them or is it חנופה?
Should we be ostracizing them from our community?
Should we be Mekarev them?

 מראי מקומות


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  1. Rabbi Braun Answered Marvelously.
    Clear and to the point.
    As well as thoroughly through challenged rebuff.
    Yasher Koiach godoil.
    Leshaym ulesifores.

    Cirel Lipskier

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