Rabbi Braun Paskens: You Must Sign the Chinuch Petition

In a heartfelt plea, Rabbi Yosef Yeshaya Braun turns to the community and beyond, asking, and even Paskening that everyone fulfill their obligation – personally taking part in this critical moment.

In a heartfelt plea, Rabbi Yosef Yeshaya Braun turns to the community and beyond, asking, and even Paskening that everyone fulfill their obligation – personally taking part in this critical moment.

Rabbi Braun contrasts our Nisayon with that of our Rabbeyim. They were moser nefesh fighting for the purity of our children’s chinuch!

At the moment “We are merely being required a simple act” the contribution of 30 seconds of time to sign the petition.


click: https://protectchinuch.com and sign the petition!


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