Rabbi Braun: I Urge All to Participate in This Campaign

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Message from Harav Yosef Braun: “The voice of our brother is crying out to us from the ground.”

Rabbi Braun’s Message:

“קול דמי אחיך צועקים מן האדמה” “The voice of our brother is crying out to us from the ground”.

Unfortunately, we lost a beloved member of our community who left an Almanah (a widow) with 13 Yesomim (13 orphans). It is your opportunity to help out in this Mitzvah and help his family live in dignity and prosperity as they really should be living.

We down here have the ability to continue what unfortunately their father can’t do for them and keep the serious mitzvah of tzedakah in helping out this Almanah and Yesomim . I urge you all to participate and support in this important campaign.

And do one more good deed that will bring the Geulah – “גדולה צדקה שמקרבת את הגאולה” .
The Eisbishter should help that we shouldn’t have to have fundraising for such events, only we should have events of Simchah from now onwards.

Please take a second to click here and donate before the end of Sukkos.

Click here to donate now.

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  1. I’ve tried to donate three times this morn, but the site is not working. It does not accept either my card or paypal

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