Rabbi Avrohom Boruch Winkler, 74, AH

Rabbi Avrohom Boruch Vinkler, a respected Sanzer Chossid who was a frequent speaker at the Siyumei Harambam in 770, passed away.

Rabbi Avrohom Boruch Vinkler, a respected Sanzer Chossid who was a frequent speaker at the Siyumei Harambam in 770, passed away.

He was 74 years old.

Rabbi Vinkler was a resident of Boro Park, New York, and was known to all as a tremendous talmid chacham who was proficient in all areas of Torah.

He was a close friend of Lubavitch and was a frequent speaker at the Siyumei Harambam in 770,

The levaya will take place Monday evening passing 770 Eastern Parkway at 6:50 PM. Kevura will be in Monsey.

Baruch Dayan Haemes.

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