Rabbi Akiva Wagner Gives a Personal Thank You

After thousands from around the world stepped in to help Rabbi Akiva Wagner carry the burden of Yeshivas Lubavitch Toronto, he issued an emotional thank you to those that helped him while he battles a terrible illness.

A message from Yeshivas Lubavitch Toronto

On behalf of the Yeshiva, the Hanhala, the Bochurim, and the entire Wagner family, we extend our deepest appreciation to each and everyone who has contributed, shared and supported this campaign.

The love and support has brought a tremendous emotional lift to our beloved Rabbi Akiva Wagner, and bez”h this should help him along the path to full recovery.

When we started this campaign, we were trying to remove the pressing concerns of the moment from the Rosh Yeshiva. The funds raised so far will cover the deficit of the Yeshiva from this past year, and fund some desperately overdue renovations to the Yeshiva building. But having come so far, we dare not stop here. Continuing the campaign with a bonus goal of $1,000,000 will ensure that the financial pressures don’t start immediately piling up again, and allow more breathing room for Rabbi Wagner to continue to focus fully on his health.

So, if you haven’t yet participated, if there’s someone you are still able to share this with, if you are tapped out for the 2021 fiscal year but are able to contribute more next week or next month, please help us keep this momentum going. The formal campaign with the bonus round will now stay open until next Wednesday, Gimmel Shevat.

As Rabbi Schochet says in the attached video, may you be blessed in return with all the brochos until the geulah from individual galus and from the general galus tekef umiyad mamosh.

Please support the Yeshiva: www.ylt25years.com

Video: Rabbi Wagner Says Thank You

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