Rabbi Aharon Ginsberg Inspires London for Yud Shevat

Hundreds of Anash, N’shei Chabad women, and children in the wider London community, were inspired from the farbrengens and talks of Rabbi Ginsberg throughout the Yud Shevat weekend.

Rabbi Aharon Ginsberg, shliach in Boror Park, came was brought out to London in honor of Yud Shvat. His visit began on Thursday night where he farbrenged for a group of local businessmen, addressing the importance of bring focus of Hashem in our daily lives, and how this affects our daily life and work.

Friday morning he addresses an assembly for the Lubavitch senior girls’ school and then with the junior boys school, both focusing on the meaning of Yud Shevat for children. This was followed with a meeting with the school leadership who were eager to learn about the phenomenal success of the Gan Yisroel schools in Boro Park.

Friday night, his visit continued with a shiur in the maamer Basi Legani at the ‘Merkas Letoras Hachassidus’ center before Kabalas Shabbos, and a fabrengen later on Friday night with dozens of people, lasting until late at night. By 8 AM on Shabbos morning, another crowd arrived to the Heichal Halimud for a shiur with the guest in Basi L’Gani. For those who didn’t make it yet, the Merkaz hosted a shalosh seudos with Rabbi Ginsberg as well, with many participants who didn’t make it to the previous events.

Shabbos day Rabbi Ginsberg was the guest speaker at the Lubavitch Shul together with Rabbi Shimon Posner from Rancho Mirage, California. The Farbrengen was about strengthening our hiskashrus to the Rebbe, with a focus on chinuch and ahavas yisroel.

Motzoei Shabbos saw the main Lubavitch community event which took place in the recently refurbished Davidoff Hall in the Lubavitch Junior Boys School, attracting anash and shluchim from across London. Rabbi Ginsberg illustrated how we can live our life using the Rebbe’s perspective. 

Other events on Motzoei Shabbos included a Meleva Malka arranged by N’shei Chabad, attended by dozens of women from all circles, and the main Yud Shevat farbrengen for the wider local community which attracted over sixty people from all circles, lasting until the early hours of the morning.

The farbrengens already have had results, with people taking on to learn chitas properly and people committing to join a kvius in Chassidus.

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