By reporter
With sadness, we regret to inform you of the passing of R’ Yitzchok Kosofsky, a long-time Chicago resident and Chabad askan, and most recently of California.
He was 89 years old.
R’ Yitzchok was a Chicago native who studied in the Achei-Tmimim school in Chicago. In 5702/1942, when the Frierdiker Rebbe visited, the whole school – young Yitzchok included – went out to greet the Frierdiker Rebbe.
Over the years, his connection to Lubavitch grew.
There wasn’t a peulah in Chicago that didn’t involve the Kosofkies somehow. R’ Yitzchok was a cholov Yisroel pioneer, bringing it to that Midwest city when for most people it was unnecessary. Live hookups of the Rebbe’s farbrengens took place in his home, as a matter of fact, he never could say no to a farbrengen in his home.
He was for many years the gabbai in the Bnei Ruven shul, then the flagship for all Lubavitcher activities there. And the list goes on. So much did he do, and he asked for nothing in return. His wife, may she be well, founded the F.R.E.E. organizations for Russian immigrants arriving.
In recent years he had been living with his daughter and eyniklach in California.
Rav Boruch Hertz, rov of the Bnei Ruven shul in Chicago, told that R’ Yitzchok was an ish yoshor, totally devoted to the Rebbe and the Rebbe’s causes. “He was totally ibergegeben to the Rebbe and Lubavitch and merited to have a beautiful family, many of them shluchim, and he saw much Chassidishe nachas from them, he said.
He is survived by his wife Mrs. Reitza Kosofsky, and children: Mrs. Nechama Prus – Boston, Ma.; Mrs. Mina Gordon – Melbourne, Australia; Rabbi Noach Kosofsky – Springfield, MA; Rabbi Chaim Kosofsky – Springfield, MA; Mrs. Chany Mochkin – Rochester, NY; Mrs. Baila Chein – Buenos Aires, Argentina; Rabbi Lipman Kosofsky – Crown Heights; Mrs. Sara Levitansky – Los Angeles, California; Mrs. Devori Baumgarten – Rockaway, NJ, and many grandchildren and great-grandchildren, many of them serving on shlichus all over the world.
To share memories and nichum aveilim, email
Baruch Dayan Ha’Emes – Yitzchok Eliyohu ben Lipman, a”h.
VIDEO: Mr. Yitzchok Kosofsky speaking about learning at Bais Medrash LeTorah (Skokie Yeshiva).
Mr K was one of the foundations of Chicago almost everything went through him. He never looked for the limelight just did what a true chassid was supposed to do. Tireless energy for anything related to the Rebbe. Anyone who worked with Mr K was inspired and had to try and emulate him.
Boryh Dayan Emes. I only new Reb. Kosofsky for 3 weeks. I was helping him at rehabilitation center. It was positive experience. Gena.
He was role model and am proud say friend. He got things done, quietly without fuss. He just went ahead and did them. He knew when to encourage when gently suggest. We both liked to run a kitchen at Bnei Ruven and could work together easily as team because we liked feed people, but he was the leader and pacesetter and for many years it was pace.