R’ Yisroel Francis, 70, AH

Reb Yisroel Francis a longtime resident of Crown Heights and dedicated chossid of the Rebbe, passed away on Sunday, 22 Elul, 5782.

Reb Yisroel Francis a longtime resident of Crown Heights and dedicated chossid of the Rebbe, passed away on Sunday, 22 Elul, 5782.

He was 70 years old.

Reb Yisroel Francis first came to Crown Heights in 1984 with his family. He had tremendous hiskashrus to the Rebbe and visited him on many occasions for dollars, kuntreism and Kos Shel Brocha. His love for the Rebbe was profound and felt by all who encountered him.

The Rebbe was his guiding strength at every turn and always gave him Chizuk. The Rebbe gave him his place to stand right next to the Aron in 770. Something that was a rare Zechus. The Rebbe would often have one key message for him- the power of happiness.

Reb Yisroel had a larger-than-life personality for those that knew him, and even those that did not. He was incredibly inspirational to those that needed guidance and spiritual support. He was a man with strength of character a big heart and a warm smile to all those he greeted on the street. A man that loved to learn and always did mitzvahs b’hidur and a chossid of the Rebbe, he will surely be remembered by many.

He is survived by his wife Ruthie and their children, Tapharah Francis – Crown Heights, Enan Francis – Houston, TX, Gershom Francis – Cleveland, OH and Rivkah Shirah Lipkind – North Miami Beach, FL, and grandchildren.

The Levaya will take place on Monday, 9:30 am at Shomrei Hadas in Boro Park
10:30 am passing by 770.
11:30 am at old Montefiore Cemetery

The Francis family will be sitting Shiva at 686 Crown st, Until 1pm and from 4:00 pm to 10:00pm

2 Minyanim are needed
7:00 am Shacharis
6:30 pm Mincha
Maariv Bizman

Rabbi Enan Francis will be sitting Shiva in Crown Heights until Thursday afternoon and thereafter at his home in Houston Texas. Friday, Motzei Shabbos and Sunday.

Mrs Rivkah Shirah Lipkind will be sitting Shiva in Crown Heights until Thursday afternoon and thereafter at her home in North Miami Beach, FL Friday and Motzei Shabbos.

To share memories with the family, email [email protected]

Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.

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  1. I remember that he wore four pairs of Tefillin.

    He would come on occasion to Reb Michoels’ Shul in east Flatbush

    He would talk passionately about ahavas Yisroel, Simcha, Mivtzoim. Sheva Mitzvois

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