R’ Mordechai Samotin, a resident of Crown Heights and a fixture of 770, passed away on Sunday, 5 Adar, 5783.
R’ Mordechai Samotin, a resident of Crown Heights and a fixture of 770, passed away on Sunday, 5 Adar, 5783.
He was 72 years old.
He grew up in Rockaway, New York he was brought close to Yiddishkeit through R’ Shlomo Carlbach. After his marriage he moved to Crown Heights.
R’ Mordechai was a person full of Ahavas Yisroel always finding ways to look out for others. He was always b’simcha with a smile on his face.
He is survived by his wife Zohar Samotin, and children Avi Samotin, Rochel Naim, and Yehuda Samotin.
He was predeceased by his son Binyomin Samotin in 5780.
The levaya will be held Monday at 9:30at 770 Eastern Parkway, with burial at Old Montefiore Cemetery at 10:30.
Shiva information will be added.
Baruch Dayan Haemes.
Mordechai, you’ll be surely missed 😢
He was really good guy, always got people to smile, יהי זכרו ברוך
He was a remarkable and unusual friend and valued golden bridges of hope built by even small things. I met him decades ago when he also studied at Sharei Orah – one of the places where he shared his dedication and care for the community around him. He shared short and to-the-point words of what he thought was needed and right, drashim of chesed and gevurah but more chesed – with his old friends and even with “strangers”…(knowing we are all related, with a long and not always easy journey). I wrote this impression when i heard:
A dark
and bright
Searching Light
Is missing now
(- Or – at least out of sight)…
May he Rest in Peace, be remembered for a blessing…
-fellow student Rose-of-Sharon’s Kin, Uncle of Redemption – (We all will miss him extra on Purim when we speak of his namesake)…
While a great admirer and follower of the [Lubavicher] Rebbe, want to also share that he was also one of the leading students of the brilliant and illuminating- though perhaps tormented masters of long ago and recent times, Reb Dovid Din of Boro Park, and Reb Nachman of Bratzlav (z”l) – whose contributions and good deeds though many not revealed, are also not forgotten and – may that also be true of our friend who was acquainted with both shadows and shining Unquenchable Light, Mordecai.
Please take good care (of yourselves too) friends and family … – be comforted along with the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem