R’ Aron Baitz, 70, AH

R’ Aron Baitz, a longtime Crown Heights businessman, passed away on Sunday, 3 Kislev, 5782.

R’ Refoel Aron Baitz, a longtime Crown Heights businessman, passed away on Sunday, 3 Kislev, 5782.

He was 70 years old.

Aron arrived in America from Eretz Yisroel as a bochur. In the years prior to his arrival, the Rebbe would walk home from 770 alone, but when Aron arrived, he arranged with a couple of friends to always have someone accompany the Rebbe. After the Rebbe began encouraging to add in the study of Gemara, Aron began learning Gemara ba’al peh, eventually learning many masechtos.

He was very involved with the Ksav Sofer Shul in Crown Heights, which is in close proximity to his house on Empire Blvd., and organized the weekly farbrengens there. As a successful businessman, R’ Aron utilized his money to do many acts of chessed and distribute large sums of tzedaka. He built a beautiful family with many children and grandchildren.

R’ Aron was infected with coronavirus in the early days of the pandemic, resulting in a lengthy hospitalization. He experienced a miraculous recovery from the illness but never fully regained his health.

He was predeceased by his wife Yehudis Baitz, in Adar 5780.

He is survived by his children, Rivky Teitelbaum – Coral Springs, FL, Tova Berger – Los Angeles, CA, Shlomie Baitz– Monsey, NY, Chani Weinstein – Crown Heights, Nina Safar – Los Angeles, CA, Mendy Baitz – Crown Heights, Mushkie Brady – Los Angeles, CA, Sari Halon – Long Island, Shanie Amran – Marine Park, Debby Baitz – Crown Heights, and Michal Baitz – Crown Heights.

He is also survived by his siblings Sima Fisher – Bnei Brak; Batsheva Baitch – Kfar Chabad; Yosef Yitzchak Baitch -Kfar Chabad; Chana Knopfler – Brooklyn, NY; Menachem Mordechai Baitch – Yerushalayim; Levi Baitch – Kfar Chabad; Yakov Dov Baitch – Crown Heights; Sara Necha Eidelman – Brooklyn, NY; Shaul Baitch – Kfar Chabad; Tova Rivkin – Kfar Chabad.

The Levaya will be held on Monday, beginning at 11:30 AM at Shomrei Hadaas Chapels, passing 770 at 12:30 PM, and kevura at Old Montefiore Cemetery at 1:15 PM.

Baruch Dayan Haemes.

Nichum Avelim

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