Purim Miracle: Bomb Failed to Explode Where Chabad Read Megillah to Hundreds

As residents of Beitar Illit emerged from a bomb-scare lockdown, Chabad residents of the city were amazed to discover that the malfunctioning bomb was placed at that exact spot where they had read Megillah to hundreds of Jews just 3 days earlier.

By Anash.org reporter

The town of Beitar Illit was placed under a lockdown Thursday night after a terrorist planted an improvised explosive device on a bus. Miraculously, the bomb did not explode and no one was injured.

Security footage from the bus showed a person leaving the vehicle before smoke was seen rising from one of the seats, followed by another person running out of the bus. The IDF confirmed that the suspicious bag found on the bus contained a suspected IED, which was neutralized by police sappers.

Residents were instructed to stay inside their homes and lock their doors and windows as the IDF searched for the suspect.

As the lockdown order was lifted Friday morning, Chabad residents of the city were amazed to discover that the bomb was placed at that exact spot where they had erected a tent to read Megillah for hundreds of Jews just 3 days earlier.

The Megillah tent, operated by yungeleit from the Chabad community in the city, saw intense activity during the yomtov, with an estimated 1,800 people participating in dozens of Megillah readings.

Rabbi David Rosenfeld, the shliach in Carmi Tzur and a resident of Beitar, wrote this morning: “It is interesting that yesterday the bomb was activated and did not explode near Chazon Yosef Park, exactly where the megillah tent stood that operated on the night of Purim until 3:15 in the morning and during the day until sunset.”


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