Just in time for Purim, Sichos in English printed a limited amount of Lessons in Torah Ohr- Chayav Inish, a Purim Maamar, dedicated in memory of R’ Pinchas Greenberg a”h.
Hiding behind the masks on Purim, the frenzy and the fun, there is the essence of the day. Purim, a day of joy and festivities, is considered the counterpart to the holiest day on the Jewish Calendar, Kippurim. Interestingly, the genuine happiness and rejoicing on Purim can accomplish what fasting and solemn prayers do on Yom Kippur.
This is because we take a different route to reaching the same goal. The simcha on Purim, the intoxicated happiness, is the medium for stepping beyond our frame-work of logic, beyond the confines of nature, to reach transcendence.
In the spirit of Purim, one of the holiest days on the calendar, Sichos in English is making it possible for you to tap into the sacredness of the day. A limited amount of Lessons in Torah Ohr- Chayav Inish, a Purim Maamar, was printed and is available in stores. This booklet was printed in memory of R’ Pinchas Greenberg A”H.
Purchase your copy of Lessons in Torah Ohr- Chayav Inish to tap into the soul connection that Purim has to offer to those who are in tune. Learn the Maamar to sensitize your soul. There is only a limited quantity available for purchase, so make sure to get your copy real quickly!
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