‘Project Melukat’ Will Make Learning Ma’amarim Achievable

‘Project Melukat,’ founded in memory of Rabbi Akiva Wagner, is launching a new initiative to encourage bochurim and anash to delve into the Rebbe’s edited ma’amarim.

As Chabad Chassidim, we know that the essence of who we are is Chassidus. It shapes us. It enables us to tap into our G-dly core and reach our full spiritual potential. It is what makes us special. It is who we are.

As dor hashvi’i, it is especially important to focus on our Rebbe’s maamarim: especially the Maamarim Melukat, which consist of the mugeh maamarim that the Rebbe edited himself and gave out for distribution.

Project Melukat’s aim is to make the learning of these Maamarim as accessible as possible. Our team invests significant time and effort in gathering various resources at a central easy-to-use online location, here.

We arrange for renowned mashpi’im and shluchim to record many different styles of shiurim, including shorter overviews, as well as in-depth classes, explaining the maamarim to the fullest. In addition, we have a dedicated team of writers devoted to translating many of the Rebbe’s maamarim.

The learning schedule of Project Melukat has already completed Chelek Vov of Sefer Maamarim Melukat, and will be continuing with Chelek Beis. The details are as follows:

From today, Rosh Chodesh Mar-Cheshvan, for the next few months, Project Melukat will be going through Chelek Beis of Melukat, following a schedule of one maamar a week.

Learn the weekly maamar on your own, with a chavrusa, or through the many resources we provide.

This project is dedicated in loving memory of Rabbi Akiva Wagner a”h, and is set up to complete this second sefer of Melukat by his yahrzeit, Yud-Zayin Iyar. May this bring to a true aliyah for his neshama with the ultimate being the yeridah back down here together with the coming of Moshiach now!

To join this initiative, please visit ProjectMeluket.org/join-mivtza.

If you have any questions or would like to give a shiur or contribute in any other way, please contact us at ProjectMeluket.org/contact.

To join a WhatsApp group to receive updates and Shiurim as they come out, click here.

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