Project Likkutei Sichos Wildly Exceeds Goal

After exceeding their original sign-up goal in less than 48 hours, Project Likkutei Sichos set a goal over ten times the original number and announced a long list of scholars who will be giving shiurim for the project.

By: reporter

It has only been a few days since a groundbreaking initiative to learn the entire Likkutei Sichos was announced, and less than 48 hours have passed since the website went live. Yet, in that short amount of time, the original sign-up goals were vastly surpassed.

The original goal had been to have 70 individuals sign up. As of Thursday, the number is well over 500! Seeing the excitement, the organizers set an ambitious goal of 770 participants, over 10 times the original number!

In addition, the organizers are hard at work arranging resources, translations, and shiurim to make the 8-year goal practical for a wider audience. A long list of scholars have joined the initiative and will be delivering shiurim with another scholar giving the central shiur each week.

The list includes:
Rabbi Shmuly Avtzon, Sichos in English
Rabbi Levi Azimov, France
Rabbi Chaim Shaul Brook, Crown Heights
Rabbi Nissan Dovid Dubov, Wimbledon, England
Rabbi Mordechai Farkash, Bellevue, WA
Rabbi Manis Friedman, St. Paul Minnesota
Rabbi Yossi Gansburg, Thornhill, Ontario
Rabbi Levi Garelik, Crown Heights
Rabbi Avraham Gerlitzky, Crown Heights
Rabbi Yitzchak Goldberg, Migdal Ha’emek
Rabbi Yosef Gourarie, Oak Park, MI
Rabbi YY Jacobson, New York
Rabbi Levi Jacobson, Thornhill, Ontario
Rabbi Moshe Kessleman, L.A., CA
Rabbi Yossi Klein, Baltimore, MD
Rabbi Mendel Lipsker, Sherman Oaks, CA
Rabbi Moshe New, Montreal Canada
Rabbi Yossi Paltiel, Crown Heights
Rabbi Leibel Schapiro, Miami, Florida
Rabbi Nachman Shapiro, Crown Heights
Rabbi Shabsi Slavaticki, Antwerp, Belgium
Rabbi Moshe Slavaticki, Baltimore, MD
Rabbi Noam Wagner, South Africa
Rabbi Avraham Zajac, L.A., CA
Rabbi Moshe Gourarie, Toms River NJ

To sign up for the project click here

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