Pro-Palestine Protest Galvanizes More Yidden to Don Tefillin

The Mitzvah Tank that is stationed at Union Square every Wednesday reported an unusually high number of Yidden donning tefillin this week. The reason wasn’t the warmer weather.

By reporter

Every Wednesday, a mitzvah tank is stationed near Union Square in Manhattan, one of a few weekly locations where it stops on rotation. This week, they reported something surprising.

Mitzvah Tanks NYC, headed by Rabbi Yehuda Pevzner, sends out a mitzvah tank six days a week to locations across Brooklyn and Manhattan. Bochurim and anash join Rabbi Pevzner to offer Yidden a chance to don tefillin or do another mitzvah.

Today, Wednesday, they arrived at their normal location for Wednesdays – Union Square, and set up shop. Just a few blocks away, a very different type of event was taking place: A protest in support of “Palestine” and calling for a ceasefire which will hand Hamas a victory.

At first, the Lubavitchers manning the tank thought they might get less tefillin this time, as people might be intimidated to display their Judaism so close to those who want them dead.

In reality, the exact opposite took place. More Yidden than any other time came to the tank to don tefillin, and proudly proclaim that despite all, Am Yisroel Chai!

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