This past Elul and Tishrei, Living Chassidus ran their popular Systematic Avodah Initiative program for the 7th year in a row, alongside bi-weekly farbrengens and wonderful prizes given to members.
Where can you find a group of like-minded women, coming together from all walks of life with the singular goal of learning and “living” Chassidus? In the one-of-a-kind organization for young women called Living Chassidus. This wonderful group of women comprises former Ba’al Teshuva seminary graduates, Bais Rivkah graduates, and more.
Living Chassidus welcomes any woman who’d like to grow in their learning and avoda of Chassidus. It is not limited by boundaries of distance or time zones as many of their programs are available on Zoom as well as in-person. Recordings of most classes are available online, free of charge on YouTube or Spotify.
Having the Zoom option gives LC the ability to select the best speakers from all over the world without having to fly them in. Some of the great speakers in the past month alone include: author and lawyer Robert Kremnizer from Sydney, Australia speaking about being happy, Mrs. Miryam Swerdlov on the topic of Rebbetzin Chana, Rabbi Yisroel Glick in the Sukkah, Rochie Pinson on Cheshvan and taking our Tishrei inspiration.
This past Elul and Tishrei, LC ran their popular Systematic Avodah Initiative program for the 7th year in a row. This much-loved program uses Rabbi Simon Jacobson’s book 60 Days to prepare for Rosh Hashana with a daily reading beginning with Rosh Chodesh Elul and concluding at the end of Tishrei. There were bi-weekly farbrengens and wonderful prizes given out to members who kept up their daily reading during the busy yomtov season.
Some of the feedback members sent to Living Chassidus include:
“I feel so privileged to have been able to join the Living Chassidus SAI program this Tishrei! The book 60 Days was fascinating! Even as a Beis Rivkah girl, there was so much new information I’ve learned about the yomim tovim that I never knew before. The exercises and journal writing were therapeutic and brought down the concepts from lofty ideas to practical avodah in daily life. It was a great experience and I hope to read it again next year, maybe schlepping some friends along for the journey!
Thank you so much!”
“I just want to say a yasher koach for the beautiful program, chassidishe 😉 prizes, great speakers, and all the details that go into thinking about and ordering the prizes, finding the speakers etc.
Thank you for giving EVERY woman in Crown Heights the opportunity to continue her learning and growing!”
Living Chassidus will bez”H host another Systematic Avodah Initiative for the Chassidishe New Year of Kislev with readings, farbrengens, prizes and personal growth.
To hear more about Living Chassidus, please register on our website:, or follow us on YouTube, Spotify, and Instagram.
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