Preparation Begins for Chof Av in Almaty

Efforts are underway to meticulously execute all details to host hundreds of guests visiting the Tzion of R’ Levi Yitzchak this August. Many groups have reached out to the organizers, and there will be special accommodations provided for group learning/farbrengens. 

The Chof Av Hachnosas Orchim committee has dedicated itself to facilitating an all-inclusive annual experience at the Tzion of the Rebbe’s father in Alma Ata, Kazakhstan. Each year on his Yahrtzeit of Chof Menachem Av, Chabad Chassidim accompanied by groups from many diverse backgrounds partake in a journey of connection and inspiration.

The Chof Av Committee is hard at work creating an incredible program, leaving no detail overlooked or spared. Organizers are making every effort to ensure all guests’ needs are completely handled during their stay. Hotel accommodations will be booked for each guest, meals prepared at the highest standards of Lubavitch hashgacha, will be served each day. Comfortable transportation to and from the Tzion is being organized, as well as comprehensive security detail, spacious tenting, and ample grounds to greet the arriving crowds. 

Of course, the Ruchnius details are even more essential than the logistical ones. Renowned Mashpiim and Rabbanim will be present to lead enlightening Farbrengens and Shiurim. Learning sessions will be carefully curated to delve into the profound teachings of Chabad Chassidus, and specifically the teachings of R’ Levi Yitzchak. The warm presence of the many groups joining the trip each year also creates an incredible opportunity to connect with fellow Shluchim, Chassidim, and Yidden in a meaningful and uplifting environment.

The Chof Av program begins on Sunday, 19 Av/August 6, and will end on Tuesday, 21 Av/August 8. The committee will be available to guide guests in booking their flights, though travel to Almaty is quite straight-forward. Turkish Airlines and Flydubai both offer daily flights to the city, and Kazakhstan has no visa requirements for visitor entry. (Information regarding a chartered flight for all guests departing from Israel will i”yh soon become available as well.)

The committee is dedicated to offer special arrangements for group bookings. 

Many Shluchim have reached out regarding bringing groups of mekuravim and balabatim,and the committee has ensured that they will be comfortably accommodated with special arrangements for private areas for davening, learning, and farbrenging as a group. Please reach out to the committee in advance via email to confirm your group’s accommodations ([email protected])

Click here to register or find out more information.

The Chof Av Committee is looking forward to greeting you in Almaty!

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