Pre-3 Tammuz Farbrengen Inspires Jews From All Walks of Life

As the world is preparing for Gimmel Tammuz, Jews from all walks of life and very different communities came together last night, Tuesday evening, to hear about and to connect with the Rebbe.

As the world is preparing for Gimmel Tammuz, Jews from all walks of life and very different communities came together last night, Tuesday evening, to hear about and to connect with the Rebbe.

This special gathering and farbrengen held by the Rebbe’s Ohel was organized by the Lubavitch Youth Organization.

The Torah teaches that the Nossi is Liban shel Yisroel, “the heart of the Jewish people.” It is remarkable to see from the event’s turnout how connected Klal Yisroel is with the Rebbe.

The program was chaired by Rabbi Yossi Blesofsky, Director of Chabad of Northeast Queens, who spoke how the Rebbe as the Nossi of our times uplifted a generation after the Holocaust and continues to revive and infuse the world with the true light and life of Torah.

Mr. Abraham Biderman, former Finance and Housing Commissioner, City of New York, spoke of his participation in the meetings when New York Mayors Ed Koch and David Dinkins came to visit with the Rebbe.

He talked about how he personally witnessed the Rebbe’s clear vision which he described as being extraordinary and of Divine inspiration, seeing things that were clearly Heavenly and outside the normal order of nature.  

Rabbi Efraim Mintz, Executive Director of the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute, spoke eloquently about how the Rebbe educated and inspired a generation to see and appreciate the inherent and indispensable value of each and every Jew.

Rabbi Mintz reminded participants of the Rebbe’s constant call not to be complacent, and that we must always strive to grow and add goodness and kindness and increase the light of Torah and Mitzvos in the world.  We must learn to view this world as proud Jews, looking from the inside out, bringing our unique Jewish light to the forefront in an ever-increasing manner.

A special video presentation of the Rebbe was shown, deeply inspiring the attendees.

Participants then visited the Rebbe’s Ohel and connected while writing personal letters and requests for blessings in all areas of life.

The event was simultaneously live-streamed, attracting many people from all over the world.

“The profound and uplifting evening of connection empowered all who participated to continue to grow in their Jewish life and to be ambassadors of the light of Torah and Mitzvos in this world, until we will prevail and bring about the coming of Moshiach, may it be immediately,” organizers said.

VIDEO: Full Event Replay

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