Postville Yeshiva Rejoices for Yud Daled Kislev

Photos: Shneur Mann/

Mesivta Beis Shalom of Postville held a farbrengen and seudah followed by dancing in honor of the Rebbe and Rebbetzin’s 95th wedding anniversary. 

Mesivta Beis Shalom of Postville held a farbrengen and seudah followed by dancing in honor of the Rebbe and Rebbetzin’s 95th wedding anniversary. 

The festive meal was prepared by the bochurim shluchim and Yoni Frankel. The farbrengen started with heartfelt Chabad niggunim, followed by a captivating address by Rabbi Gavriel Levin, mashpiah of the yeshiva, who s[pke about the significance of Yud Daled Kislev.

Next to speak was Rabbi Leibel Ceitlin, maggid shiur in the Yeshiva, and Rabbi Avrohom Katz, mashpia and maggid shiur in Zal.

After each address, Chabad niggunim were played on the keyboard, with shliach Eli Kener joining along on the violin.

Also speaking were bochurim Shneur Zalman Rusanov, and Menachem Mendel Sassonkin, who made a siyum masechta.

At the conclusion of the formal seudah, everyone began to dance, with lively niggunim performed by bochurim Levi Shaul and Sholom Forster.

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