A grand celebration at Yeshivas Beis Shalom of Postville, Iowa, this week marked a milestone of limmud hatorah: A bochur completing the entire Shas.
Photos: Zalmen Chirk
A grand celebration was held this week at Yeshivas Beis Sholom of Postville, Iowa , honoring a Siyum Hashas by one of the talmidei hashluchim.
Hatomim Hashliach Menachem Mendel Ezra Nachmanson started his journey of learning the entire Shas whilst he was a bochur in “Chovevei Torah.” After learning Gemarah every day with commitment, vigor and intensity, he recently completed the entire Shas.
The entire Yeshivah, along with several of his friends that flew in special for the occasion, joined together for a festive seudah celebrating this great milestone.
The seudah opened with a video of the Rebbe, followed by the Rosh Yeshiva Harav Shmuel Benshimon who spoke of the importance of publicizing an accomplishment, such as the one being celebrated, to inspiring others to push what they think is their limits.
The ba’al hasimcha then delivered a hadran, and then spoke of the importance designating even a small amount of time every day towards learning. “That is what guarantees success for completing a perek or masachta or even the entire Shas,” he said.
Harav Koppel Zirkind, mashgiach of the Yeshiva, spoke next, explaining at great length how Torah learning, specifically during the younger year has a tremendous impact and remains with you for the rest of your life.
A special video of the ba’al hasimcha’s former roshei yeshivos, mashpi’im and father wishing mazal tov was then played, followed by a joyous dance joined in by all the bochurim, celebrating the momentous milestone.
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