Police Fatally Shoot Armed Man in Crown Heights

An armed suspect was shot and killed by Police at the intersection of Eastern Parkway and Utica Avenue in Crown Heights, shutting down Eastern Parkway for a few hours early Monday morning.

Police shot and killed a man they said was armed with a knife outside a Crown Heights building early Monday, ABC news reported.

The man was shot by officers at the intersection of Eastern Parkway and Utica Avenue in Crown Heights at around 4:10 a.m. Monday.

A person apparently had called 911 saying that a man with a knife and gun was pacing back and forth yelling and talking to himself. Then, the caller said the man went into the middle of the street.

Officers chased the man, who appeared to be armed with a knife, into the Crown Heights/Utica Avenue station where two officers Tasered the man. The Taser had no effect.

He ran back onto the street apparently holding a knife. Officers told the man to put the knife down but he allegedly charged at an officer.

The officer ran from the suspect, but the other responding police officers opened fire. Ten rounds were fired by two police officers.

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