Poconos Yeshivas Unite for Pre-Purim Learning

Bochurim of the two Chabad Yeshivos in the Pocono Mountains, Bais Menachem – Wilkes-Barre and Yeshiva Gedolah Lubavitch, teamed up for a special pre-Purim Seder Sichos.

By Anash.org reporter

Two Chabad yeshivos located in the Pocono Mountains joined together Tuesday night for a night of learning in preparation for Purim.

The evening, teaming up Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim of Poconos and the Bais Menachem yeshiva, fondly known as “Wilkes-Barre” after its previous location, brought together the bochurim for an evening to learn a Sicha of the Rebbe on Purim, while enjoying light refreshments.

Bochurim from the two yeshivos meet up on a frequent basis, with the proximity of the two yeshivos allowing them to gather for farbrengens, Seder Sichos, and other programs.


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