Please Help the Federman Family During Their Crisis

Since the moment we heard the bitter news that baby Shternie Federman had lost her life and shlucha Henya Federman was holding on to hers with a thread, we sprung into action, each of us doing what we could. But there is more we can do to help.

Message from the Friends and Relatives of the Federman Family:

Since the moment we heard the bitter news that darling Shternie—whom most of us had not ever had a chance to meet—had lost her life and our dear Henya was holding on to hers with a thread, we sprung into action, each of us doing what we could. Arranging flights, medical attention, child care, storming the heavens with our tears and our prayers, and more.

A dozen children ranging from tots to teens, suddenly without a mother’s care, spread out over several continents.

To refer to them as “a family in crisis” is an understatement.

And from that first moment, we were not alone in our efforts.

We were surrounded and uplifted by your love, mitzvos (good deeds), Torah study, prayer, faith and good wishes on behalf of Henya and her family—literally from all corners of the globe.

But the struggle is far from over, and we are still praying for the light at the end of the tunnel.

The expenses are enormous, and the least we can do is help alleviate the financial burden the family now bears.

Numerous airlifts, chartered and commercial flights, and care for the bereaved children have already amounted to hundreds of thousands of dollars. And more expense is anticipated in the coming days and months, as each child will require personal care and attention in this unthinkable situation.

As the family focuses on Henya’s medical care and on the needs of Asher and the children, let’s alleviate their financial concerns.

There are many things we cannot do, but contributing financially is something we can do. So let’s do it together!

Please click here to contribute generously to the Federman Family Fund.

With gratitude and wishes for immediate good news,

Friends and Relatives of the Federman Family

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