The Mesivta of Yeshiva Schools of Pittsburgh started the new year on the right foot, with a full month of preparation leading up to an inspiring trip to the Ohel and an uplifting Rosh Hashana.
The Mesivta of Yeshiva Schools of Pittsburgh started the new year on the right foot.
Sunday morning 15 Elul, the fathers joined the Bochurim for special father-and-son learning, in honor of the founding of Tomchei Temimim.
Local and out-of-town fathers learned Chassidus with their sons and then joined together for Shacharis and a gourmet breakfast.
The same week, together with the new bochurim shluchim and the hanahala, mesivta bochurim celebrated an uplifting and inspiring grand Chai Elul farbrengen.
The Mesivta rented a coach bus and traveled to the Ohel to learn and daven by the Rebbe and give in their Panim.
“The Ohel trip is an important highlight for our bochurim. These trips strengthen our Hiskashrus to the Rebbe,” said Rabbi Eliezer Shusterman, the Menahel of the Mesivta. “Our Mesivta usually goes to the Ohel 2-3 times each year.”
On the first night of Rosh Hashana, Rabbi Mendel Unsdorfer, the assistant principal, auctioned off the Aliyos for lines of Tanya Baal Peh and Likkutei Sichos to be learned in the next few months. The Bochurim joined the bidding enthusiastically and also bid for Aliyos with pledges of reciting Kapitlach of Tehillim during Rosh Hashana.
“We look forward to the Bachurim continuing to grow in their learning, Yiras Shamayim and Chaddishkeit,” said Rabbi Shusterman.
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