Pittsburgh Avos Ubanim is the “Cherry on Top of Shabbos”

Over 70 participants joined the grand finale of the weekly father-and-son learning program in Pittsburgh this past Motzei Shabbos. Parents and children warmly thanked the organizers.

By Anash.org reporter
Photos: Zalmy Marrus

Over 70 participants joined the grand finale of the weekly father-and-son learning program in Pittsburgh this past Motzei Shabbos.

The weekly learning program takes place every year in the winter months, and this past Motzei Shabbos was the final program for 5781. A larger than usual crowd showed up for the extra special finale program.

Between 50-70 participants show up to the Avos Ubonim on a weekly basis, taking the time to come spend 45 minutes of learning with their sons, followed by a story by guest storytellers and exciting raffles.

The Avos Ubanim supplies learning resources for parents who wish to use it, and participants are each given a slice of hot pizza to take home at the end of the program. Organizing Avos Ubonim this year were Chaim Itkin and Chaim Zippel.

The finale program featured a story by Rabbi Yosef Rosenblum and an extra special raffle arranged by Zippel. Parents warmly thanked the organizers, saying that the Avos Ubanim was a highlight of their week.

“My son looks forward to this special bonding time all week,” one parent told Zippel. Another parent expressed his thanks by saying that “The Avos Ubanim program is the cherry on top of my Shabbos.”

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