Picture of the Day

In anticipation and in honor of Yud Alef Nissan, a special poster was put up at a bus stop in North Miami Beach, displaying a beautiful picture of the Rebbe and a link to buy Chasssidus Seforim.

In anticipation and in honor of Yud Alef Nissan, a special poster was put up at a bus stop in North Miami Beach, displaying a beautiful picture of the Rebbe and a link to buy Chasssidus Seforim.

The poster, located at the bus stop at 10th ave between 175th and 176th was put up Monday, hours before 25 Adar, the Rebbtzens birthday, and will be there until Achron Shel Pesach.

North Miami Beach is a highly populated area with over 900 Jewish families, and this particular bus stop is only a few hundred feet from the community kollel. Hundreds of additional families also travel to the area for Pesach.

“The point of this project is to raise awareness and increase publicity about learning from the Rebbe’s vast Torah in honor of this special occasion,” organizers said.

For more information or to help out with future such projects, contact 786-231-9080

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