Shmuel HaNavi who led the Yidden until his passing at 54 is buried in Ramah, in the hills of Yehuda, surrounded by ruins from the time of Second Beis Hamikdash.
Photos by Rabbi Eliyahu Ezagui
Shmuel HaNavi who led the Yidden until his passing at 54 is buried in Ramah, in the hills of Yehuda, surrounded by ruins from the time of Second Beis Hamikdash.
Photos by Rabbi Eliyahu Ezagui
Shmuel Hanavi was 52, not 54.
I’m sorry to say, that it is a Christian (Crusader) tradition that Shmuel Hanavi was burried there. If you have a Tanach and a map in your hand, it will be clear that it is just not possible that he was buried there.
Very nice pictures. Having a caption explaining each picture would really add. Thank you.