Photo Archive Brings Back YOEC Memories

A recently discovered stash of photos, taken in Yeshiva Ohr Elchonon Chabad of Los Angeles throughout the 1980-90s, displays iconic moments and unique individuals. Do you know more details?

By reporter

A recently discovered stash of photos is bringing back memories to many YOEC graduates of their years in yeshiva.

The photos, taken in Yeshiva Ohr Elchonon Chabad of Los Angeles, California, document scenes in both the zal and mesivta divisions throughout the 1980s and 1990s.

Among the photos, one can find many iconic California personalities, visiting chassidic greats, and longtime members of the yeshiva staff. A number of photos also show the entire yeshiva or a class posing for a group photo.

Do you recognize any of the faces in the photos, or know any more details?

Let us know in the comments below.

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    1. The photos look like someone took a picture of the picture, can they be scanned to file for better quality?

        1. The “old Zal” is and always was the dining room once they moved out of the trailers. That pic is in the dining room. Still has the same floor.

          MBD is in the center. All the way to the left is Rabbi Cunin, of course and Levi Bukiet, shey.

          Most of the rest of the people are Balei Batim, like Moshe Fishman, A”H, David Ferszt, A”H, Chaim Rubin, shey, Mordechai Weiss, shey, Mottel Feiglin, shey, and Rabbi Chaim Mentz, shey

  1. Very nice memories . Is there a platform where everyone can post pics of Yoec from the 80’s & 90’s. Thanks for posting.

  2. #8 First year of Chabad school: Rabbi Thaler’s class with Lloyd Gutman in front, Sol Emet, Ricky Bloom, David Smoller, Albert Kubie, Neil Cohn in the center back.

    #10 is Velvel the chef who coated our fancy veal chops in pancake batter — basically looked like pancakes with a bone sticking out.

    #38 First year — full high school pic: just gonna list some…
    first row starting near middle: Danny Cohen, Neil Cohn, Albert Kubie, David Dardashti, skip, sammy –, Jeff Fayman, skip, Jonah Goldberg , Sol Emet, David Gurvitz.

    Second row middle: Steven Alevy, Yaakov Brafman, Ricky Bloom, Scott Brown, Lloyd Gutman

  3. Wow, What a throwback. These are from the days before Dovi and even Mendy Spalter were a part of Yoec.

    Lots of familiar faces for those of us from the LA/Yeshiva shul/Moshiach building crowd.

    The smile on Rabbi Schochet’s face when he is hugging R’ Mendel Futerfas is so amazing.

    #1 R’Mendel Farbrenging with R’ Shimmy Raichik on one side and his father R/ Shmuel Dovid Raichik on the other side followed by Rabbi Schochet.

    #2 – The rosh probably giving a shiur to balabatim. I see Michael Norton, Maybe Nochum Cherman, Mr. Block, Levi Bonder.

    #3 Possibly Tanchum Levine talking to the Rosh.

    4,5,6 – R’ Mendel on a visit to yeshiva

    #7 – Dovi Blauner and Schusterman in the lab

    9 – R Schochet, Citron and Bart center of a school pic

    10 – Correction Neil Cohn, he was not the chef, just the baker.

    11 – sitting is R’ Citron and schochet, Standing is Simcha Bart, R’ Dalfin and R Oster.

    12 – I only recognize Hershy Novack and Sruly Perlman

    13- Oster, Citron, Schochet , Schapiro

    14 – Rabbi Back surrounded by, Manis Frankel, YY Wihelm, Shmulik R. Shaiky Bukiet, Arele Loschak, Laizer Labkowsky a plotke and a plotkin, Berry Schmukler, Yossi Illulian, YN Raichik

    1. I knew your dad in the late 70’s when he would come to the Garden Theatre Festival with his sketch pad. We got to be friends for a while.

    1. #33
      Back row L-R
      Y Weg, D Lefkowitz, C Dalfin, Zilberstrom, S Bart
      Front L-R
      Y Winner, B Hecht, Kreiman?, G Steinmetz, Y Winner

    1. The Rosh between Reuven Russel and Yisroel Feiner, shey’

      Sitting in front is Rabbi Yerachmiel Stillman, ZL, and looks like yibadel Lchaim Nachman Kreiman, shey

  4. #39

    Second Kvutza of Bochurim Shluchim:

    Top row:
    Karp, Yurkovitch, Lurie, Raskin, Kugel

    Bottom row:
    Berkowitz, Fogelman, Shputz, Rimler, Blizinsky

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