Philadelphia Cheder Enjoys Hands-On ‘Mivtzoim Fair’

In honor of Yud Shvat, students at Cheder Chabad of Philadelphia explored the mivtzoim and peulos that the Rebbe initiated specifically for children at an exciting hands-on Mivtzoim Fair.

Cheder Chabad Philadelphia

At Cheder Chabad of Philadelphia, the Chinuch of each individual child is our top priority. This was highlighted recently on Yud Shvat, a day of Hiskashrus to the Rebbe.

Through our team efforts of administration, teachers, and parents, we focused on what would help each class, at their own class level, to achieve the goal of personal connection. Thus, different classes did different things. Yet, when all the separate elements came together, the outcome was magnificent!

Cheder was abuzz with excitement and anticipation as we prepared for this special day.

Our students in grades 1-5 focused on the Rebbe’s connection to children by delving into the many special Mivtzoim and Peulos the Rebbe initiated specifically for children.

In preparation, each class took on one Mivtza or peulah to examine and explore. They researched and collaborated under the guidance of both the Limudei Kodesh and the General Studies teachers, to create a hands-on display project that showcased their classes’ peulah.

On Yud Shvat all the displays were set up at an exciting hands-on Mivtzoim fair!

Alongside each display were multi-sensory activities and projects designed to bring the information to life. Our 6th and 7th grade boys assisted by manning the lower elementary fair and ensured that the program ran smoothly.

Yud Shvat Fair Booths Included:

  • Ois BSefer Torah – presented by grade 1 boys. Here kids had the opportunity to buy a letter or show their certificate, as well as practice writing their name with a feather and ink!
  • Mesibas Shabbos – presented by grade 4 boys. Each child packed their own DIY Shabbos party bag! It included pekalach and a beautiful 12 Pesukim booklet!
  • The 12 Pesukim – 5th grade boys displayed the meaning and background of the Yud Beis Pesukim.
  • Lag Baomer Parade – 3/4 girls wrote compelling diary entries depicting what it must have been like to be at a Lag Baomer Parade with the Rebbe. The display included a video showcasing a parade outside 770, as well as a slideshow of Cheder’s most recent parade celebration!
  • Gan Yisroel Camps – 3/4 girls wrote letters to parents encouraging them to send their children to Jewish camps, and explaining its importance. Students played ball while learning fun facts about Gan Yisroel.
  • Tzivos Hashem – 4th grade boys created a 3D rally & the 2nd grade boys designed a Tzivos Hashem logo! The students also heard a story of the Rebbe, and accomplished a part of their Yud Shvat missions.
  • Cheder Tzivos Hashem – the 3rd grade boys presented this topic, and students were able to personalize their own Cheder Tzivos Hashem signs! Older students had the hands-on experience of building wooden Pushkas to hang on their bedroom wall!
  • Neshek – 2nd grade girls highlighted the Rebbe’s emphasis on all girls lighting Shabbos candles. Students created magnetic whiteboard signs that they can update weekly with the proper Shabbos times!
  • Kosher animals and toys – prepared by 1st grade girls. Younger children made their very own build-a-Torah stuffed toy!

The day also included writing Pannim to the Rebbe, watching the thrilling Yud Shvat Tzivos Hashem rally, and launching our Yud Aleph Nissan Hachana!

Meanwhile our Middle School girls and 8th grade boys experienced Yud Shvat in their own special way.

After a well executed hachana, the middle school girls traveled to NY by coach bus, where they davened at the Ohel and spent a meaningful day in Crown Heights. The girls were uplifted at a Farbrengen with Mrs. Chavi Altein, davened in 770, and were impressed by their tour of the Rebbe’s library.

The boys alongside their Rebbi, traveled to the Ohel, spent the day immersed in the Chassidishe Hanhagos for Yud Shvat, and truly experienced a day with the Rebbe.

It was a day of individual connection to the Rebbe and the mission he entrusted to our children.

It was a day of Achdus, growth, Toichen, and joy.

It was Yud Shvat at Cheder Chabad Philadelphia, and we felt it!


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