Pesach Prep Website Launched in Merit of Young Mother

After six years of helping women prepare for Pesach with her planning guides, Devorah Leah Wagshul released the 7th edition online in merit of her sister-in-law, who is battling cancer.

Women all over the world have discovered a secret shortcut to plan their busy Yom Tov meals, and streamline the process to reduce stress. Before Yom Tov a mother might find herself scouring cookbooks and blogs for the perfect recipe, and juggling shopping lists and guest lists on the fridge or post it notes, all while trying to entertain the children home from school to “help” for Yom Tov. What if someone compiled and tested a surefire list of winning recipes organized by course, and included handy organizing tools for guest lists, shopping lists, and even threw in inspiring Divrei Torah?

For the past 6 years Devorah Leah Wagshul of Los Angeles has done just that in her “Recipes for the Body and Soul” Google Doc series. Thousands of Jewish women from all over the world have been raving about how much this planner and choice of recipes helps them streamline their Yom Tov prep. 

For this Pesach 2021, Devorah Leah has launched a new webpage featuring this year’s Pesach recipes for the Body & Soul, a helpful Pesach planning guide, plus links to find all the past editions for all yomim tovim in one place!

While Devorah Leah has always shared this document she prepares for her own Yom Tov prep, and never asked for any payment for herself, this year she has decided to use the opportunity to ask her fans to help a cause close to her heart. Recently Devorah Leah’s sister-in-law Shoshana Tova bas Leah (Alayev) was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. 

Her local community and friends in Hillside, New Jersey and beyond have united together to support her with meals, tehillim, mitzvos, and raising funds so she and her husband can focus on treatment without financial worries and soon celebrate Hashem’s kindness in granting her a complete and speedy recovery!

CLICK HERE for the new webpage of Recipes for Body and Soul
CLICK HERE to support a speedy recovery for Shoshana Tova Bas Leah (Alayev)

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