Pardes HaMelech, the Rebbe’s Rambam, Now in English

Pardes HaMelech, the revolutionary Rambam which contains all the classic commentaries plus the explanations and insights of the Rebbe, is now being released in English.

Pardes HaMelech is being released in English. This groundbreaking work features a new English translation of the Mishneh Torah along with the Rebbe’s eye-opening commentary.

When Pardes HaMelech was released, it revolutionized the way the Rambam’s Mishneh Torah is studied and understood. The seven-volume set of the Mishneh Torah contains all the classic commentaries plus the explanations and insights of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. In essence, Pardes HaMelech allows readers to learn the Rambam the way the Rebbe learned it.

Now Pardes HaMelech is being released in English. This groundbreaking work features a new English translation of the Mishneh Torah along with the Rebbe’s eye-opening commentary. Fourteen volumes are planned and will be released in the order of the Mishneh Torah. Sefer Mada and Sefer Ahava are already available. The next two volumes (Zmanim, Noshim) are scheduled to be released before Pesach. The set will be completed in time for the 42nd three perakim/day study cycle in Iyar 5783.

Pardes HaMelech is the result of decades of research by Rabbi Meir Elituv, author of Mishnato Shel HaRebbe MiLubavitch, study aids for Daf Yomi, and other works. Rabbi Elituv have collected over 2000 of the Rebbe’s thoughts taken from Sichos, Igros Kodesh, Maimorim, and responsa to questions from all over the world. The effort is being reviewed and guided by Rabbi Michael Halperin, Shlita; Rabbi Tuvia Blai, Shlita; and Rabbi Shalom Rabinovitch, Shlita.  

According to Rabbi Leibel Shapiro, Rosh Yeshiva of the Yeshiva Gedola Rabbinical College of Greater Miami, Mara D’Asra of Congregation Beis Menachem in Miami Beach, Florida, the Pardes Melech is revolutionary, “Until now, if you wanted an explanation, you had to look through dozens of volumes of Likutei Sichos or Toras Menachem or Igros Kodesh. Now it’s all organized in one place in Pardes HaMelech.”

The English version of Pardes HaMelech is available at a special pre-publication price of 14 volumes for $590. Discounted price for buyers of the Hebrew edition $490. Shipping in the US will cost $99 with volumes shipped as they are completed. Individual volumes can also be picked up in Crown Heights. When finished, the entire set will retail for $700 plus $90 shipping. To order, contact [email protected] or call 447846802985

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The seven-volume Hebrew edition contains is available for $250 plus $40 for global delivery within 10 days. Complete sets without the shipping cost can also be picked up in Crown Heights. The Hebrew version can be ordered now at


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