Panama Yeshiva Concludes First Year With a Celebration

Yeshiva Gedolah – Kolel Torah Panama finished its first year with a final test by local Rabbonim and a grand celebration, recognizing the efforts, impact, and accomplishments of the bochurim shluchim.

Yeshiva Gedolah – Kolel Torah Panama finished its first year with a final test (Hilchos Shabbos & Yom Tov) by local Rabbonim and a grand celebration, recognizing the efforts, impact and accomplishments of the first group of Talmidim Hashluchim that founded and established this special program. 

The celebration was held at the grand hall of Beth-El Ashkenazi Jewish Community Center, headed by Chief Ashkenzai Rabbi & Head Shliach Rabbi Aaron Laine.

Addressing the crowd were: Rabbi Laine, Chabad activist R’ Shmuel Dornbusch, mashpia Yisroel Krasjansky, shluchim Tzvi Schvetz and Dovid Gopin.

During the event a special video about the shluchim and their impact was played. This special production was coordinated by Dovid Gopin. 

Finally, Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi M. Shuchat encouraged the shluchim to continue in their limmud Hatorah, and gifted each shliach with a special certificate, signed by local Rabbonim and Chicago Rov – Rabbi Boruch Hertz.

The great crowd of community members and teens that showed up to the appreciation event are a living testament to the great impact the Yeshiva and its shluchim are having on Panama. 

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