Pan Kloli for Bochurim to Be Read by Ohel Tomorrow

In light of the current situation, a Pan Kloli from all bochurim will be sent to the Ohel on Wednesday, Erev Rosh Chodesh Nissan, which has been established as a worldwide day of tefillah.

By reporter

In light of the current situation, a Pan Kloli from all bochurim will be sent to the Ohel on Wednesday, Erev Rosh Chodesh Nissan, which has been established as a worldwide day of tefillah.

The Pan, organized by Iggud Yeshivos, will ask for a bracha for a refuah shleima for all those who need it and for the health and wellbeing of all the bochurim among all Yidden.

Mashpi’im are encouraging all bochurim to sign the Pan, with the proper preparations. A hat and jacket should be worn when signing and one should wash neggel vasser before. For those unable to go to mikvah, a perek of Mishnayos Mikvaos should be learned, or one should stand under a shower for three minutes.

The Pan can be signed by clicking here.

The Pan will be read at the Ohel on Wednesday at 4:00 Eastern Time and will be preceded by Tehillim. The Tehillim and reading of the Pan can be joined by dialing 929-281-6000 or by clicking here.

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