Packed House at Father-Son Hachana in Morristown

Photos: Shmulie Grossbaum

Sweet sounds of learning and davening echoed through the auditorium at Cheder Lubavitch of Morristown, as hundreds of fathers and sons spent their Sunday morning preparing for Yud Shevat.

Photos: Shmulie Grossbaum

Cheder Lubavitch of Morristown hosted its annual Hachana L’Yud Shvat Avos U’Bonim Program on Sunday morning.

In a heartwarming display of fathers with sons in hand and the sweet sounds of learning and davening echoing through the auditorium – it was undoubtedly a memorable program.

The morning started with a father-son chavrusa where they learned the Rebbe’s ma’amar of Basi L’Gani, followed by a shachris davening.

Rabbi Ari Wilschanski, principal of the Cheder, brought to everyone’s attention the special nature of preparing for Yud Shvat at a Hakhel gathering.

Rabbi Shalom Lubin, Chabad Shliach at Parsipanny, New Jersey, showed the crowd an original Basi L’Gani kuntres printed in 5710. He then gave over a powerful message to drive home the theme and mission imparted to us through the Rebbe’s renowned ma’amar, leaving the crown uplifted.

The program concluded with an interactive presentation and brunch.

Rabbi Eitan Webb, Chabad Shliach at Princeton University commented that “Today’s program was an excellent way to bring parents and children together in preparation for Yud Shvat. Learning the Rebbe’s first Ma’amar, Basi L’Gani, was made more powerful in this Hakhel group setting. We are fortunate to have a Cheder like this one in Morristown which is working overtime to educate our children, who are our future”.

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