Overweight Compliance

A Moment with the Rebbe: With the Rebbe’s consent, for several years in the 5720’s (1960’s), there hung a sign at the El Al desk that the Lubavitcher Rebbe says that it is forbidden to evade the weight regulations.

Reb Binyomin Zippel relates:

As a bochur, my father-in-law, Reb Immanuel Schochet, made a trip to Eretz Yisroel, and the Rebbe instructed him to keep a detailed diary.

When he arrived at the airport, he discovered that his suitcase was overweight. With the representative’s consent, he removed his heavy wool coat from the suitcase, thereby making it lighter. When he settled on the plane, he began his diary with this incident.

When he returned and entered yechidus, the Rebbe asked to see the diary. Upon reading the first story the Rebbe said, “This is not in accordance with Shulchan Aruch.” The Rebbe instructed him to call El Al and ask how he could rectify it. His request was met with surprise, and they assured him that there was no reason for concern.

Reb Immanuel notified the Rebbe of the response but the Rebbe was not satisfied. “Tell them that it’s a serious matter and needs to be corrected.”

Hearing that the Lubavitcher Rebbe was behind it, they agreed to officially absolve him on the condition that the Rebbe allows them to quote in his name not to evade weight regulations.

Indeed, with the Rebbe’s consent, for several years in the 5720’s (1960’s), there hung a sign at the El Al desk that the Lubavitcher Rebbe says that it is forbidden to evade the weight regulations.

(As heard from Reb Binyomin; see Igros Kodesh Vol. 15, page 451)

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  1. Does this mean wearing extra clothing so it won’t have to be weighed or taking things out of luggage and putting it back in after weighing?

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