Over 850 Mezuzos Placed on IDF Soldiers’ Homes

Over the past 3 weeks over 850 Mezuzahs were put up on the homes and bases of IDF soldiers as well as for the homes of the hostages.

Following the events of Simchas Torah, Tzvi Rappaport of Crown Heights started offering soldiers, police officers, and families of the hostages Mezuzos to put on their homes or bases.

The project is arranged directly through contacts in Eretz Yisroel. Over the past 3 weeks, they have been able to fulfill requests to the tune of 850 plus Mezuzahs requested by our brothers and sisters in the IDF for their homes and bases as well as for the homes of the hostages.

Some places where they put up Mezuzahs are soldiers’ homes in Ashkelon, Yerushalayim, Balforia, Bat Yam, Ramla, Cholon, Sderot, and Migdal Haemek. More than 18 different IDF bases from the north to the south of Israel: Infantry, Commando, Air Force, Home Front Command, Mishmar Hagvul. Homes of Yidden taken hostage.

You can partner with them so they can continue to provide Mezuzahs for the hundreds of additional requests. Every Mezuzah is $56 and 100% of funds go towards buying Mezuzahs.

Click here to take part.

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