Over 2,000 Attend Spectacular Siyum Harambam in Paris

Photos : Mordehai Lubecki

Beis Lubavitch celebrated their 43rd siyum Harambam led by Shliach Rabbi Mendel Azimov with a magnificent evening with over 2,000 in attendance.

Beis Lubavitch of Paris, France under the auspices of Shliach Rabbi Mendel Azimov hosted a massive siyum Harambam program in a hall with over 2,000 people in attendance. The event featured musical accompaniment by the renowned singer Yoni Shlomo from Israel and the orchestra of Mr. Yosef Brami. A choir of children from the cheder performed, and stunning multimedia presentations were projected, adding to the ambiance of the evening.

The program started out with words from Rabbi Shalom Berros, and followed by discussing the conclusion of the Mishneh Torah by Rabbi Avraham Baruch Pevzner. The evening concluded with a pilpul by Rabbi Moshe Vishedsky.

The event not only celebrated the conclusion of the Rambam study but also celebrated the 50 year anniversary of mivtza Neshek. It was a moving and inspiring event full of music, dancing, divrei Torah, and unity.

To watch the program:

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