Over 100 IDF Deaths in Gaza War

The IDF announced the deaths of seven additional soldiers killed amidst the fighting in Gaza, bringing the IDF’s ground operation death toll to 105.

The IDF announced the deaths of seven additional soldiers killed amidst the fighting in Gaza, bringing the IDF’s ground operation death toll to 105 and 433 since October 7th.

The soldiers were identified as:

• Seargent Major (res.) Gideon Ilani, 35, a soldier in Battalion 2855, killed in battle in the Gaza Strip.

• Seargent Major (res.) Itay Perry, 36, a company liaison in the 8111 Battalion, 5th Brigade, killed in battle in the Gaza Strip.

• Major (res.) Avitar Cohen, 42, a training officer in the 8111 Battalion, 5th Brigade, killed in battle in the Gaza Strip.

• Major (Res.) Roman Bronshtein, 46, from Bat Yam, an instruction officer in Battalion 8111, 5th Brigade.

• Master Sargeant Ari Yehiel Zenilman, 32, from Jerusalem, a soldier in the in Battalion 8111, 5th Brigade.

• Captain (Res.) Eliya Yanovsky, 24, from Jerusalem, a platoon commander in Battalion 8111, 5th Brigade

• Major Gal Becher, 34, a training officer in the 36th Division, killed in a military car accident in southern Israel.

Additionally, the IDF says a soldier was seriously injured while fighting in southern Gaza, bringing the IDF’s ground operation wounded toll to 560.

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