Online School Students Meet In-Person at Day of Celebration

Photos: Shalom Ross/

Classmates and staff of the Nigri International Shluchim Online School joined together in Crown Heights for their annual reunion and Day of Celebration. 

Classmates and staff of the Nigri International Shluchim Online School joined together in Crown Heights for their annual reunion and Day of Celebration. 

The virtual school of the Shluchim Office, under the leadership and direction of Mrs. Devora Leah Weiss (Notik) and Rabbi Yehoshua Steinberg, provides a robust Chassidishe education for the sons and daughters of Chabad Shluchim throughout the world.

Every year, the boys eagerly await the annual Day of Celebration where they get to meet and spend a day with their classmates and teachers. The event has become a highlight for the students, a program celebrating their friendships, learning, and unique school.

The event kicked off with the boys finally meeting each other, getting their custom t-shirts and scarves, and taking photos at the photo booth which were made into mousepads for the boys to take home.

Boys from the Hebrew division joined special to recite Tehillim for the safety of Eretz Yisroel, wrote letters to the Chayolim and each took on a Hachlata in their merit. 

They watched an inspiring video of the Rebbe on the theme “Mpi Olelim V’yonekim” before students, Sholom and Yisroel Bluming shared a few words about how young Shluchim are on the front lines. 

The program continued with teacher appreciation and an exciting roll call with lively dancing, finishing with the highly anticipated chinese auction for the Mivtza Lulav campaign, which many of the students participated in. 

The boys left the program elevated and inspired for an incredible year of learning in their places of Shlichus.

A special thank you is extended to Rabbi Mayer Kosofsky, Rabbi Shneur Deren, Mrs. Altie Kaminetzky, Morah Sorale Vogel, and Rabbi Schenur Zalman Abramowitz.

The Nigri International Shluchim Online School is a division of the Shluchim Office under Rabbi Gedalya & Bassie Shemtov.

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